Funeral and Memorial Ceremonies
uneral and Memorial ceremonies are much more than a way to say goodbye to a loved one, they offer an opportunity for friends and family to share in the celebration of the individual’s life and to affirm how special the person was to everyone present. They give strength and bring healing to those left behind to grieve, as well as honouring the person who has died.
oday, a funeral or memorial ceremony can be as unique as the individual who is being honoured. From simple touches such as the displaying of personal photographs, to creating the ceremony around the deceased person’s favourite pastime, ceremonies of this nature can and should reflect aspects of the life and personality of the person who has died.
uch ceremonies may still be very spiritual, even though non-religious ceremonies may be desired, however the ceremonies should above all remain flexible, so as to allow for the possible inclusion of different speakers, the playing of music, and the reading of verse or other material of relevance to the deceased and to those participating in the ceremony. No two funeral or memorial ceremonies are the same, as each is designed to reflect the personality of the person who has died.
on religious funeral and memorial ceremonies can be held at a variety of locations. They can be held at a private home, either that of the deceased or the home of a family member. They can be held in the rooms of a funeral parlour, in the chapel at a crematorium, or even in a garden or some other location that was meaningful to the deceased.
uneral and Memorial ceremonies are sensitively designed to honour the deceased and affirm the love felt by those grieving, ceremonies are designed for Adults, Children, Still born infants, as well as for much loved family pets.
Please do not hesitate to email me for further information.