ediums like myself are very ordinary people who have taken extraordinary steps to control and develop the psychic faculty inherent within them. Doing so in order to become true and clear channels through which those who have made their transition to the spirit world, may communicate their thoughts and feelings to their loved ones still on this earth plane of existence. This is done in the sure hope of proving to the loved one, by evidence conveyed through the medium, that the human spirit survives the experience we know as death.
Mediumship of this nature tends to fall into two categories, Perception and Control.
The Perceptive form of Mediumship is further broken down into three main types of Mediumship namely, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience.
Perceptive Mediumship
lairvoyance is perhaps the best known of the mediumistic faculties, and the most misunderstood, due in part by its wide use in the media to describe any form of intuitive communication whether it be psychic or mediumistic.
Clairvoyance means quite simply ‘clear seeing’ and operates on a subjective or objective level of awareness.
On the objective level it is quite rare in the developed medium, however it can show itself to be spontaneous in individuals at times of great trauma or emotional need often when the influencing spirit has only recently left the physical body and has a strong need to communicate by showing them self to a friend or loved one. Seeing objectively means that the spirit vision being seen is solid and sometimes indistinguishable from the physical reality.
ubjective Clairvoyance is much more common and reveals itself in the mind of the medium rather than externally, although for some mediums what they are seeing can be perceived as being external, however that which is perceived by them is translucent in nature and so obviously of the spirit world as not to be compared to the physical reality.
lairaudience means ‘clear hearing’ and where clairvoyance is pictorial
Clairaudience deals with sounds and words and can be both objective and subjective in nature.
On the objective level clairaudience produces audible sounds indistinguishable from physical hearing. This is rare in spirit communication through a trained medium because it takes a greater effort on the part of those in the spirit world who are striving to communicate. It to has its spontaneous manifestation, but such manifestation seems to be short in duration and again linked to times of trauma or great need. At such times many ordinary people in every day life situations have experienced isolated instances where they have heard a voice from a departed friend or loved one that has made a huge positive difference to the outcome of the situation they have found themselves in.
ubjective Clairaudience is not so easy to distinguish due to the fact that it has no audible sound as such and to the untrained can be confused with the subconscious mind. But by the trained medium it can be developed to the same degree of accuracy and clarity as that of objective clairaudience and is as reliable. This requires extreme self discipline on the part of the medium as it is very easy to slip into the field of awareness where the subconscious mind can intrude.
The advantage of clairaudience is the certainty it affords as the medium simply relays the facts exactly as given by the communicating spirit.
lairsentience means to ‘feel clearly’. And most mediums are able to develop this faculty to enhance their overall understanding of the communicating spirit by feeling what they feel or have felt, and passing this accurately on to the recipient.
Clairsentient communication is dependent upon the feeling that a thought from a spirit person can invoke in the medium, and sometimes this can provide a mental picture which should never be confused with clairvoyance, the knowledge that a medium has of the mechanics of their own mediumship will safeguard against any confusion of this nature.
Clairsentience can be misleading in that it can reflect what the medium expects from the feelings being given rather than what the recipient or communing spirit might expect. For example a love of the coast in the recipient or communicating spirit may produce for the medium a picture of Folkestone. The medium may say to the recipient “You are very fond of Folkestone”. The recipient may then claim that they have no knowledge of Folkestone, but that they shared a love of the coast with the communicating spirit. The emotion released by the spirit person was correct, but the interpretation was that of the medium’s familiar reaction.
Controlled Mediumship
Trance Mediumship
rance mediumship comes under the category of Control.
Full unconscious trance is not very common. In most cases of trance mediumship the spirit guide who is in control of the medium is able to bring about a state of semi-consciousness in which the medium has lost the ability to employ their own thought process. The controlling spirit guide is then able from a point outside of the mediums body to control the words spoken by the medium. In order to express his thoughts, feelings and personality through the medium, it is essential that the medium be under the control of the spirit guide and be willing and able to trust in the guide’s control, the greater the degree of control the more perfect the expression of the controlling spirit guide.